Siemens Solar Panels direct from Bullnet

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The PHALK 500 plant was installed in Switzerland by a consortium of electric utilities and associated organizations, led by Electrowatt S.A. Siemens Solar provided 560 kW of frameless PV modules as well as engineering input with respect to integrated panel design. The frameless modules were assembled into 37 foot2 panels in a temporary facility near to the construction site using adhesive bonding techniques. The panels were then mounted onto steel structures which support the panels at a fixed 45o tilt. In contrast to most large PV plants, the PHALK 500 array is located on a gently sloping hill facing slightly east of south. The individual support structures are arranged irregularly on the hillside, which gives the plant a slightly more natural, less formal appearance than arrays which are laid out in rigorously ordered rows. Power from the field is fed into the local 16 kV distribution network through a single ABB inverter.

Fact Sheet: PHALK 500


PHALK Mont-Soleil

General Contractor:

Electrowatt AG

System Type:

Fixed Tilt Array, Grid Connected

Site Area:

Five Acres (Approximately)

System Size:

560 kWpeak (DC)

Total PV Array Area:

49,250 Foot2 (4,575 meters2)

Number of Panels:

1,320 (8-53 Watt Laminates per Panel)

Panel Size:

8.8' x 4.2' (2.7 by 1.3 meters)

Panel Power:

424 Watts

Number of Modules:

10,560 M55


(1) 500 kVA, ABB

Utility Intertie:

16 kV, 3 Phase, 50 HZ


Galvanized Structural Steel, 400 Tilt

Array Circuit Configuration:

48 Modules in Series by 220 in Parallel

Design AC Energy Output:

700,000 kWh/year