Siemens Solar Panels direct from Bullnet

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1,000 Roofs Program
The German "1,000 Roofs" program is designed to promote the purchase and installation of 2,250 (primarily residential) grid-connected rooftop PV systems having a capacity range between 1 and 5 kWpeak through the use of incentive in the form of a 70% direct subsidy (50% federal, 20% state). To date, over 1,100 systems have been installed. Siemens Solar has played a major role in this program, supplying over half of all PV modules installed to date as well as supplying inverters. Structurally, this system most resembles a DSM program in the sense that individual end-users are incentivized to purchase and install hardware through a subsidy mechanism.

This program is being very well documented, and copious amounts of data gathered. In spite of the fact that slight differences exist between German and U.S. operational and structural utility characteristics, the lessons learned from this program will be invaluable to future U.S. grid-connected PV rooftop projects.

Fact Sheet: 1000 Roofs Program


Individual Homeowners

System Type:

Roof Mounted Arrays, Grid Connected

System Size:

1.5 to 5 kWpeak (DC) Average 2.5 kWpeak

No. of Systems

1,177 as of 6/25/1993

Capacity Installed to Date

2,900 kWpeak Total
1,500 kWpeak Siemens Solar

Typical PV Array Area

230 Foot2 (21 meters2)

Typical Number of Modules

(50) M55


1.5 - 5 kVA, Siemens and Others

Utility Intertie

230 Volt, Single Phase, 50 HZ

Typical Structure

Aluminum Substructure on Tile Roof

Typical Array Circuit Configurations

5 Modules in Series by 10 in Parallel

Typical AC Energy Output

1,900 kWh/year