Siemens Solar Helps The World Bank Group
Deliver on the Promise of Solar Energy Siemens Solar has recently completed a collaborative effort with The World Bank Group to bring solar energy to developing countries such as India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, China and Kenya.
A Program to Push Things Forward ``Süddeutsche Zeitung" interviews Siemens Solar CEO Gernot Oswald on the new German government 100,000 Rooftop Program.
Let There Be Light: Solar Powered Monastery Ten years ago, the remote Benedictine monastery of Christ in the Desert received a single lightbulb powered by solar energy. Today, thanks to technology from Siemens Solar, the monastery is completely solar powered.
The World's Largest Photovoltaic Rooftop Plant Supplies Power to the New Munich Trade Fair Center The largest solar power rooftop plant in the world has been installed on six trade fair halls in the New Munich Trade Fair Center. With the expected energy output of one million kilowatt hours of solar power per year a reduction of around 1,000 tons of CO2 can be achieved.
The PV Industry Moving into the ``Solar Century" Paper presented by Mr. Gernot J. Oswald, President of Siemens Solar, at the Vienna conference, discussing the the evolution of the PV industry and the significance of the PowerMax® Thin Film Technology, as copper indium diselenide (CIS), provides the foundation for a new line of solar modules.