Siemens Solar Panels direct from Bullnet

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Water for drinking, livestock, and agriculture. Siemens Solar modules can be coupled directly to water pumps for maximum reliability and minimal maintenance. Troublesome diesel engines and wind powered pumps can be replaced and forgotten. Deep well centrifugals, drip irrigation, desalinization and purification systems have all been operated for years with Siemens Solar modules. And electric fences, gate openers, flow monitoring and telemetry are perfectly served by Siemens Solar's line of small power modules.


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SM6 6 watt, 12V module
SM10, 10 watt, 12V module
SM50 50 watt, 12V module
SM55 55 watt, 12V module
SP65/70/75 65/70/75 watt, 6/12V module

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One million users rely on PV solar conversion

Solar power brings clean water and irrigation to the Amazon

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Contact our systems integrators for pre-engineered agricultural power solutions.